Well, Read This and Weep.....
Shooting Spree TWO,
May 7th. We again jounced in jeeps, this time in balmier weather and on nice dry roads, to Steve's Roost in Indiana. But now Helen graced the group, almost civilizing the rest of us: Steve, Arthur & Dick. Almost. We packed an even greater arsenal than last time: shotguns, rifles, pistols. Plenty of ammo.
We started by blasting shotguns at skeet on the meadow, then moved on to the camper site to have at targets with rifles and pistols. Arthur brought along a full-size human silhouette to pin among the trees for the benefit of those (she shall remain nameless) who wished to vent a bit of steam.
Helen at first tried to
keep her
pistol from bucking. But she learned that if you don't
the kick, rather let the weapon bounce up, then settle back down onto
target by itself, you can immediately squeeze off another round.
another. And another. Blam! blam!! blam!!! The glee
The Sundance
OK - Pull !
The only good skeet.....
but..... where is the white
a skeet's eyes ?
saying a secret prayer for the skeet
hey..... finally hit one !
OK - send in them revenooers !
Lethelen Weapon
helen wheEls
serious pistol shooting
the rifleman
would grand wood grant a modeling
Another great spree day, well wined, cheesed and bratted..... and the silhouette rendered satisfyingly into a sieve.