Bareback jumping
Belly slide
But he pulled it off even with the storm
Can we get another race in?
By three furlongs!
Can't catch me!
Cheyenne Bitches
Dere's Lyle
Dressed for Battle
Easy dere killer
Eyeing the competition
Flaunt it much
Fugg! The rain's coming!
Get ready!
Get in your positions
Get on with it already
Gettin' windy
Gettin' in some pre-race action
Gettin' ready
Git some
Golden age
Ground's too fast for the horse
He has got this one and he knows it
He is off
Here comes the rain
Here he comes
Hurry up and wait
I didn't see you
I'll get you!
It is in the bag
Keep the children away from the fence!
Love the Paint!
Love the rain!
Nearin' the Bend
Next is coming fast
No time to waste
Sioux Boys
Stay out here
Storm's coming in fast
Talkin' smack
Tall horse
Teach dem younguns a thing or two
The horses are antsy
The race is on
There's Taunty!
Too fast
Victory lap
Walkin' tall
Way too fast
Where's my brother?
Where's my shoes?
Whip em!
Who's dat no saddle?
You think I'm in the lead now?
Comin' in hot
Final stretch
First switch
Full blast
It's a tight one
It's all a wet blur
Racing judge
Stay in car
The dust preluded the rain storm |