You... Became a Scuba Diver and a Go-Kart Dr

<- CLICK the Pix
of yourself
back before you were

..... Sailed the High Seas

Each page has music which may be slow to load - wait for it!

Then, sorry - you'll have to use the back button to return here after each visit.
..... Set Out on the Road to MIT

..... Practiced Taking the Entrance Exam

[NOTE: There are several clicks on the page ->
So now that you are
..... Developed Skills at Both Technology and Sports

[NOTE: There are several clicks on the page ->]

What might you do to keep your momentum going?

CLICK HERE  for a suggestion
And, while you're up, remember when you were a little kid, being a Superkid? ... or a Yugio Character? ... or a SpideyRobin?... or riding a Dragon?...

Remember having a Go-Kart party ?  Or a Penata-Busting Party in Istanbul?
   Quite a rich record!