Babs and Don Dahlman's 85th BirthdayP arty
- Given by Louise and Art Spiegel -
There was a multitude of celebrations in honor of Babs and Don turning 85 in June and July of 2003, the densest assemblage of which occured during the weekend of July 5th, when there were four.  The high point of that already festive weekend was the absolutely splendid party held at the home of the Spiegels, encompassing close to a hundred of the Dahlman's most ardent admirers, ranging from national celebrities to plain-vanilla folks.

This site does not attempt to capture the many accolades and laudatory prose put forward that evening.  It's merely a collection of photo-memories as captured by a camera that went off pretty much haphazardly..... that is, when it, rather than a drink, happened to be in the hand of the photographer (accounting for the totally non-representative nature of the subjects..... no priorities whatsoever were involved). If any of the other guests have pictures that ought to be included here, please send them to me, and I'll add them.

Dick Neergaard 

(The pictures below are thumbnails.  To view an image in its full size, click on the thumbnail.  To scroll through all the full-sized images without having to returning to this page each time, click on the text "Next", or "Previous", under any of the full-sized images).

image/_babs.jpg, 4.5K
image/_don.jpg, 5.3K
image/_art.jpg, 4K
image/_louise1.jpg, 5.2K
image/_terry.jpg, 4.7K
image/_dahlmanfamilygroup.jpg, 8.8K
Dahlman Family Group
image/_dahlmanfamilygroup3-4.jpg, 7.5K
Dahlman FamilyGroup 3/4 view
image/_phillaudingdon.jpg, 4.9K
Phil Lauding Don
image/_nina.jpg, 4.9K
image/_babslookingatbook.jpg, 6.7K
Babs, Thrilled At "The Book"
image/_matilde.jpg, 5.3K
image/_babsbrighteyed.jpg, 6.3K
Bright-Eyed Babs
image/_angela.jpg, 5K
image/_tamara.jpg, 6.4K
image/_luce.jpg, 5K
image/_elisabeth.jpg, 6.7K
image/_may.jpg, 6.5K
image/_may2.jpg, 6.2K
image/_carlos.jpg, 4.3K
image/_carlos2.jpg, 4.1K
image/_noel.jpg, 4K
image/_paulg.jpg, 6.9K
image/_charles.jpg, 6K
image/_may3.jpg, 6.7K
image/_twoangels.jpg, 6.8K
Two Angels
image/_angelaandshanti.jpg, 7K
Angela And Shanti
image/_kathyjan.jpg, 6.1K
Kathy And Jan
image/_arthurchris.jpg, 8.9K
Arthur and Chris
image/_arthurgermaine.jpg, 7.4K
Arthur And Germaine
image/_noelron.jpg, 7.6K
Noel and Ron
image/_mayluce.jpg, 8.5K
May and Luce
image/_philherb.jpg, 7.1K
Herb, Phil
image/_chrislucepete.jpg, 7K
Chris, Leah, Luce, and Pete
image/_artpaul.jpg, 6K
Art and Paul
image/_chrissue.jpg, 7K
Chris and Sue
image/_chrissue2.jpg, 7.6K
Chris and Sue
image/_chrissue3.jpg, 6.7K
Chris and Sue
image/_christaelisabeth.jpg, 7K
Christa and Elisabeth
image/_christatamaranoelron.jpg, 7.4K
Christa, Tamara, Noel, and Ron
image/_donlouise.jpg, 5.9K
Don and Louise
image/_germainecarlostamara.jpg, 6.5K
Germaine, Carlos. and Tamara
image/_germainetamara.jpg, 7.2K
Germaine and Tamara
image/_jerrydonedie.jpg, 6.8K
Jerry, Don, and Edie
image/_carlosvalerie.jpg, 7.1K
Carlos and Valerie
image/_loisphil.jpg, 7.2K
Lois, Phil and Don
image/_loispat.jpg, 6K
Lois and Pat
image/_leahchrislucepat.jpg, 8.2K
Leah, Chris, Luce, and Pat
image/_group.jpg, 7.8K
image/_group2.jpg, 7.8K
image/_philjan.jpg, 5.8K
Phil and Jan
image/_philjan2.jpg, 6K
Phil and Jan
image/_leahmiketerry2.jpg, 6.7K
Leah, Mike, and Terry
image/_leahmiketerry.jpg, 7K
Leah, Mike, and Terry
image/_leahterry.jpg, 6.3K
Leah and Terry
image/_leahterry2.jpg, 7.1K
Leah and Terry
image/_leahterrypaul.jpg, 6.4K
Leah, Terry, and Paul
image/_louise2.jpg, 4.8K
image/_lucechrista.jpg, 5.9K
Luce and Christa
image/_shantiruth.jpg, 5.1K
Shanti and Ruth
image/_matilderonchrista.jpg, 6.7K
Matilde, Ron, and Christa
image/_paulgnick.jpg, 6.6K
Paul and Nick
image/_suejerry.jpg, 6.1K
Sue and Jerry
image/_tamara1.jpg, 7.4K
image/_tededie.jpg, 7.6K
Ted and Edie
image/_terry1.jpg, 5.9K
Leslie and Terry
image/_terryart.jpg, 5.2K
Terry and Art
image/_donarnie.jpg, 6.9K
Don and Arnie
image/_elainenina.jpg, 6K
Elaine and Nina
image/_buffet.jpg, 8.5K
image/_phildonnick.jpg, 5.6K
Phil, Don,  and Nick
image/_dicksuephilnicktable.jpg, 6K
Dick, Sue, Phil, and Nick
image/_leahphil.jpg, 5.1K
Leah Entranced by Phil's Stories
image/_accolade1.jpg, 5.4K
image/_terrylaudingdon.jpg, 5.7K
Terry Lauding Don
image/_accolade2.jpg, 6.7K
Another Accolade
image/_accolade7.jpg, 7.1K
Yet Another Accolade
image/_accolade3.jpg, 5.4K
Still More Accolades
image/_accolade4.jpg, 5.3K
Will the Accolades EVER Stop?
image/_accolade5.jpg, 4.8K
Nope - Nor Should They
image/_accolade6.jpg, 4.4K
The Accolades Keep On Coming
image/_accolade8.jpg, 6.5K
One More Once!  An Accolade!
image/_accolade9.jpg, 5.8K
And One Final.....Accolade!

The photos shown above have been reduced in density to fit on a computer screen.  Anyone wanting prints of any of these pictures should feel free to ask me for the original images, which will make btter prints and which I'll gladly provide by e-mail.   My address: (of course substitute the word "at" with its symbol, which I've not shown here to foil those dastardly spammers that troll websites for e-mail addresses).
Click here to see some cobbled-up 
greeting cards to Babs and Don,




composed in honor of their birthdays, past and present.